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Discrete Mathematical Structures in Computer Science II


“Mathematics is a machine that turns coffee into theorems”

- Paul Erdős, Father of Discrete Mathematics

Paul Erdős


Basics of Counting

Week 1

Pigeonhole Principle

Week 2

Generating Permutations and Combinations

Week 3

Algebraic Structure and Groups

Week 6

Probability Theory

Week 7

Bayes Theorem

Week 8

Graphs and Graph Models

Week 10

Euler and Hamiltonian Paths

Week 12

Shortest-Path Problem

Week 12

About the Author


 Hello my name is Arnel Jan Sarmiento! A coffee enthusiast and Computer Science student at the University of the Philippines Mindanao. I believe in the power of learning and teamwork. I am actively looking for opportunities to collaborate and create meaningful projects in tech.